The online information source for logging, sawmill, pallet and wood processing equipment.

New to the TimberEquipment Directory?

Register to list your company in the TimberEquipment Directory, which is the largest detailed directory on the Web of equipment and services for the forest products industry.

A listing includes: your company name, address, phone, fax, product description, color logo, color product image and live links to your email address and Web site.

This listing puts your company information within reach of thousands of Internet visitors that access the Industrial Reporting Web sites including:


As a secondary benefit, you will receive a 1/8 page, 4-color listing in the annual printed TimberLine Buyers' Guide, which reaches over 15,000 readers in the forest products industry.

All this for a small production charge of only $198 per year. It's the best online and print combo deal in the industry!

You may register for a TimberEquipment Directory listing or update your existing online listing at any time during the year.

TimberLine publishes its printed Buyers' Guide every December. To be included in the print edition, your new registration or changes to an existing listing must be submitted by the deadline. Companies registering after that date will be featured in an 1/8 page ad in the monthly TimberLine magazine.

REGISTER for the TimberEquipment Directory and printed TimberLine Buyers' Guide package today!

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